Saturday, February 02, 2013

Social Unions, a Decennial and a lot of first

Since when did the wedding month change from June to December and January? Busyness!

12 / 28  -  C a r l o  +  L i l i

Was one of the groomsmen wearing a suit with no tie and a pair of black Converse Chuck Taylor, that's a first for me.  We also had the privileged to see and listen to Tap Suzara serenade the couple.  A lot of firsts, never expected that Carlo would beat Lili on crying his heart out but he did.  The best acknowledgement went to Oyo Boy Sotto though. :P

12 / 29  -   J o n  +  A g n e s

Was one of the bearers of gifts during the wedding's offertory; still wearing a suit but now with a silver tie and leather shoes :);  participating in a wedding offertory was a first for me.  Thankful that it was only a short walk to the altar, that fruit basket was heavy.  It was such an emotional celebration that you can feel the aura and expression of the people present, maybe the chapel helped on rectifying things out.  Got a small bottle of Jack Daniels as a souvenir how cool is that!

01 / 06  -  M a r t i n  +  I r i s

We were late but like the saying goes it's better late than never.  Coming to see the awesome venue was also a first and was worth the travel .  Met the couple before they made their grand entrance to the ballroom, lucky!  But you know, what struck me was they did photo shoot with all the service crew and everyone who worked on the background to make their wedding a success, another first.

01 / 12  -  J o m a  +  C i n d y

If I was late at Martin's, my son and I are super duper late at Cindy's wedding.  We didn't falter though we got the chance to see the dance and the rest of the program. Still, it was a good thing we were able to make it and graced Cindy and Joma with our presence.

01 / 13  -  M a y k  +  M i c h

Was again one of the bearers of gifts during the wedding's offertory.  Mayk was cool and Mich was her same self, the wedding was all natural and free flowing. The reception was surprising, I never knew that there was a great function place at Marikina.

01 / 16  -  P T C   1 0 t h   I n t e r n a l

What can I say 10 years and an early gift from the directors.  Bongga!

01 / 17  -  P T C   1 0 t h   E x t e r n a l

It was mostly work and less play.  Rikki laughed at me when she saw me sporting a coat and tie. tssss...

01 / 19  -  J R  +  L a l l i e

Coolest setup I've seen so far.  Carnival ~what a concept, a damn good idea reflecting mostly of Lallie I think.  The giant Ferris-wheel on the middle, the cute and lovable elephants on the side, the not so mini Ferris-wheel in each table, the Rockioke (first time I heard the term) set-up and the all so cool guest that are all game.  Oh and I almost forgot the iPad mini giveaway, that rocked.  The red horse jugging bride and the singing groom; everything I tell you, it is a first!  Converting a basketball court into a reception area was mind boggling; inclining everything to Lallie's love for the PBA.  The party was even kid friendly, they have a kid's platter and everything.  It was really planned out the way they wanted it to be.  Amazing!  We had a blast abusing the bar, singing along everybody that sang up the rockioke stage and the works.  Funny thing is we met Rikki downstairs at Charlie's, what a night.

A h m  +  L h e n 

I remember back then when Lhen and I got married we never did had the perk of having a huge offering of venues, coordinators, catering, photographers, video creators and what not.  These guys are that flexible and artistic in a way that you'll get whatever you want.  But I won't dare ask how much you guys spent on these things but really the celebration has evolved and greatly improved.  Cheers to all of you!

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