Time has taken its toll for the Samsung, despite its flaws I have learned to work around some of it.
- The camera was bulky for a point and shoot, it was 2010 so a 10x zoom model is really bulky unlike what we have today. That is why I always carry around a sling pouch for it.
Scratch stories, most of the scratches are from wear and tear and the fact that I'm not that good when it comes to handling and caring for a camera. Some notable incidents were:
2010 Incheon, South Korea - where it fell from my grip for the first time. It was while I was handing it over to a local to take our picture. One big dent to the Schneider outer lens and a hit to the body, checked if it still works and upon knowing it does I just ignored what happened so as not to ruin my vacation.
2011 Marinduque - the camera got submerged in salt water for a brief moment. The camera had trouble opening and closing its lens due to sand and salt residues. The zoom control was also affected. After a long period (months I think) everything did go back to normal.
2012 Osaka, Japan - rather using a pouch I find myself just placing my camera on my pocket with other stuff that incurred some of the major scratches.
What I love about this camera is its reliability. Images were great compared to other point and shoot. Zoom was insanely useful, I watched a lot of concerts on the bleachers but I got pictures like I was not on the top most area of the Colosseum.
Now for the magic question, do I need to replace it or not. After a quick review of the camera today I figured I need not to replace it just yet. I guess I'll wait until the battery's life ends then I'll think about buying a new camera or a new battery pack. :P
I love your travel photos!