Sunday, August 05, 2012

Couch Potato: Mashed

Gener week means cable TV day, mashed version compared to last week's lineup.  I was not happy with what Red offered. It was a two out of five for me.

L I K E  Y O U  K N O W  I T  A L L

- I don't know it all.  I didn't get the point. I'm no artist.

W A L K I N G  M Y  L I F E

- A heart breaking or warming story about a man and how he lived his life until his end. Not for the faint of heart, a major tearjerker movie.  I recommend you watch this film.  Nobody is perfect, some people might think your life is ideal but it's not.

P I C K  T H E  Y O U T H

- Don't let the poster fool you.  It's not that great of a movie yet I believe most families go through this kind of situation.  Parents do tend to take control of a youth's life even if you're forty years old.  I didn't get to see the finale, if you happen to see it kindly tell me how it ended.

H E ' S  O N  D U T Y

- This made me laugh but not that much.  The movie shows the life of illegal foreign workers at South Korea  with a comical twist.

L O V E  C O M E 

- A repeat for me because most of the other movies sucked.  I needed a sure win so I ended up watching this again.  A movie about first love and finding the right love.  This is the feel good movie  that saved the day.


I'm including Brave on the list; Matt, Lhen and I found time to go to the movies last Saturday.  The animation was of different level, best I've seen so far.  Story wise I didn't like it.  Matthew didn't like the bear angle of the story as well.  Besides that, Matthew had fun watching the movie as it is with the slapstick humor and all.  Often comparing it to Brother Bear during the screening it always prompted me to tell him to lower his voice.
The movie pretty much reminded me of Ghibli. The small light thingy reminded me of Princess Mononoke's Kodama tree spirits and the witch reminded me of Spirited Away's Yu-Baaba.

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