Saturday, August 10, 2013

Whatda!: CHANGE?

I have been using my mobile phone as my primary camera for quite some time now.  I survived not using my point and shoot camera for the time being.  While browsing some point and shoot at the mall; my brain managed to tell me that I need to buy a new one.  Knowing that I have a relatively low EQ, I managed to dodged this one for now.

Then I reminisced, when was the time I got my Samsung HZ10W.  It was the 17th of 2010, I bought the cheapest camera that has a high zoom capability at  J&R Electronics Inc. via for $129.99.  That camera is now three years old and still kicking; not bad for a 10x zoom 10 Megapixel camera.

Time has taken its toll for the Samsung, despite its flaws I have learned to work around some of it.
- The camera was bulky for a point and shoot, it was 2010 so a 10x zoom model is really bulky unlike what we have today.  That is why I always carry around a sling pouch for it.

- The camera's flash is located where your fingers would probably cover it or partially that is.  Having the flash covered partially is worse than having it completely covered I tell you.  I learned to place my fingers on the side of the camera and hold it like a mobile phone while using it.  The only nuisance is that I have to tell each and every user of the camera (if I'll hand it over to another person) of this flaw.

- The mechanical feature of the zoom does take a lot of energy from the battery.  So I just don't play around with the zoom that much not unless I really need it.

Scratch stories, most of the scratches are from wear and tear and the fact that I'm not that good when it comes to handling and caring for a camera.  Some notable incidents were:

2010 Incheon, South Korea - where it fell from my grip for the first time.  It was while I was handing it over to a local to take our picture.  One big dent to the Schneider outer lens and a hit to the body, checked if it still works and upon knowing it does I just ignored what happened so as not to ruin my vacation.

2011 Marinduque - the camera got submerged in salt water for a brief moment.  The camera had trouble opening and closing its lens due to sand and salt residues.  The zoom control was also affected.  After a long period (months I think) everything did go back to normal.

2012 Osaka, Japan - rather using a pouch I find myself just placing my camera on my pocket with other stuff that incurred some of the major scratches.

What I love about this camera is its reliability.  Images were great compared to other point and shoot.  Zoom was insanely useful, I watched a lot of concerts on the bleachers but I got pictures like I was not on the top most area of the Colosseum.

Now for the magic question, do I need to replace it or not.  After a quick review of the camera today I figured I need not to replace it just yet.  I guess I'll wait until the battery's life ends then I'll think about buying a new camera or a new battery pack. :P

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